Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why You Are Glad You Live Far Far Away From Me


Things are highly hectic in my world going down the home stretch of moving and business issues and what not. I'm sorry I am not blogging daily and keeping you rapt with posts of a crazed Chiro/Mom, but I am so frankly truly crazed that blogging is not even an option. In fact, sleep would also be a nice option, but one that I am ever so frequently declining. Besides, if I put my head down on a pillow, I think my brains will leak out or else the sudden change in pressure would cause my eyeballs to implode. So, please, kind internet readers, cut me a break here. And while you're at it, send me some warm loving vibes or pray for me or do whatever cool spiritual thing you do and send some my way, 'cuz I really need it. (*Sob.)

I'll let you all in on the details when I am a bit more stable and have time to rub two words together.

I leave for The Land of Plenty tomorrow morning at 5:45 am with all three kids in tow and won't return until next week, so don't go thinking my head exploded (after all my threats) when there is no new post for ages.

Did I mention the part about the STRESS?


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you! I have been praying for you! and will continue to. Good vibrations to you!!!

I wish I could be there with you and the kids on the plane tomorrow--even if its just to see the flight assistant's face when you call her a "Silly Chicken" when she asks you to take Pibhers out of your sling!

I'll give you a hug in person soon! Just let me know when you want just you and hubby time this weekend and I'm there to watch the kids!

Anna Banana said...

Hang in there sis! Breathe deeply, in and out. We love you very much!

Anna Banana said...

Hang in there sis! Breathe deeply, in and out. We love you very much!

Anonymous said...

It's Thursday eve. By now the 5, yes! the 5 of you, all together, should be much happier and more relaxed. Love to all. Nonny