Holy Cows, my Peevers is getting so big! She had a momentous weekend. She learned a few new tricks in a short period of time. Beyond the heart warming ability to utter the name of this blogger, a woman, whom you will shortly discover, barely deserves to be called anything so sweet, she also picked up a handful of other firsts.
She discovered the joys of pulling herself up
all by herself!. She also learned (just seconds after this photo was taken) the agony of defeat when she fell, smacking her head on the cabinet behind her. (Damn! Bad Mama, taking photo and missing falling babe!)

She was discovering the joys of her first 100% organic wheat free teething biscuit. Then that bad Mama left the room and returned to find that her siblings felt that she would much better enjoy discovering what Kix and Sugar Smacks can do to her virgin digestive system. She seemed to think that Quin's contribution to her breakfast nosh was far superior to Mama's insistance that organic wheat free teething biscuits were where it's at.

She seems to enjoy just moving around the house now that she has discovered that she has an upper body and perfected the art of the army crawl. It is also very tiring. She passed out cold on the hardwood floor for a well deserved nap. (Bad Mama missing in action again!)

Oh ho ho! Dog food is almost as tasty as Sugar Smacks and Kix! Esste likes to share! Bad Mama takes photos! (Please people, if this is the grossest thing she ever ingests, I'm more immaculate that Martha Stewart. And I'm not. And neither are you, so shut it.)

She spent some quality time with her peeps, Gabe and Quin, watching Dora. (Yes! Damn it, I did let her fry her sensitive little brain while watching the Boob Tube. She was bonding with the big kids! Cut me a break. I can't be Super Granola Mom all the time. Or apparently for more than three minutes at a time this past weekend.)
Did you hear about the part where she called me "Mama"? Twice.
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