Thursday, August 25, 2005

Warrior Mamas Unite!

Want to meet a real life Warrior Mama of the Highest Order?

Then check out my friend Kris. She had her baby yesterday. He was born at home into her husband's loving hands after a mere 55 hours of labor, which culminated in a paltry five hours of pushing!

She stuck it out, at home, relying on her deep faith and knowledge that her body was perfectly designed to birth this baby.

55 hours of active intense labor! The kind of labor that will not allow you to take a nap or knit or watch TV or otherwise distract yourself. She had real labor that whole time. Labor that is best met head on and accepted and embraced. And boy, did she embrace it!

The details of her birth story ultimately belong to her. I'm sure she'll blog about it (given a little time) but I am just overflowing with pride and joy for her and her new tiny family! This is what the human body and spirit are capable of when birth is embraced as a powerful and natural act that we were designed to deliver.

If she had been in a hospital they would have undoubtedly delivered this child by cesarean days ago and Kris would still be flat on her back recovering.

Kris told me that she told the midwives yesterday, that she would have continued to labor for another two days before submitting to a trip to the hospital because she knew the baby was okay and she didn't want then to cut her open. Wow!

Hugs to Kris and her hubby and her sweet sweet little man. She is walking testament to the power of birth! I'm so proud of you Warrior Mama! And so happy for you!


Jenny said...

Wow! That's awesome. Congratulations to the whole family.

Anonymous said...

Go Kris!

Just another story to prove that when you leave a laboring woman alone, it all happens the way it is supposed to.

(Omigosh, I don't know if I could have been so tough! I had 2 of mine at home too, but way shorter labors and way-way shorter pushing).