Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturday Morning Live

This morning, after the kids dragged us out of bed at 7:00am, we set them up in the kitchen with bowls of sugary cereal (it's ORGANIC though!) and cartoons a'blaring and crawled back in bed to see if we could eke out a few more minutes of hibernation.

Within 15 minutes Gabe discovered our dark and silent hiding place and crawled into Hubby's side of the bed.

"Papa! Where's Mama?"

"She went to the store."

"What store?"

"A store you wouldn't want to go to."

"WHAT store?"

"The Poop Store."

(giggling) "Ewwwww!"

Silence reigns for a full 30 seconds. Peace.

"Papa! Let's watch some football. Do you want to watch football with me?"

"You want to watch football? I like watching football with you."

"Yeah. But I think we should watch a few cartoons first. Just like, ten cartoons."

They not only won't let us sleep, but they are forcing cartoons on us. Who's running this zoo?

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