Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Cutest Photo Montage Ever!

The kids and I went to Ellen's house, which is more "in the country" than my subdivision in order to take the kids tromping around in the woods behind her house. It was raining all morning but we decided a little water wouldn't hurt them (our kids are tough, I tell you) so we put them in galoshes and headed into the woods.

All the way to the creek, we wove a tale about the "Root Children" who live in the forest and kept a look out for signs of their presence. We entered their territory through a secret arbor and saw other signs that they had been there in the placement of fallen trees and little nests.

The kids were loving the story and kept looking for "Root Children" as they played.

They splashed in the creek. They fell in the creek. They filled their galoshes with water. They picked up trash (Ugh, yes, even in the deep woods there was trash). The babies watched them contentedly. The big kids got drenched up to their waists (up to the neck in Quin's case) and still continued to giggle and play. My kids acquitted themselves well as the backwoods rednecks we secretly are and I was proud. There is nothing sweeter than filthy clean-living munchkins in my book.

We finally dragged their sodden bodies out of the creek and up the hill to the house, dumped the water out of their boots and threw them in the bathtub.

Gabe has been telling me that he wants to go back to "Noah's Secret Woods" to look for the "Little Guys" again soon. Maybe tomorrow. Sigh. This makes me so happy.

You may also have noticed I (and the kids) have made new friends. Isn't life grand?

For more photos of the Secret Woods Adventure, click here.


Anna Banana said...

I am absolutely quivering with jealousy! I want to come play in the woods with you!!!! Waaah! The kids look so amazing, so happy and sodden. They are all so beautiful!

Way to go Mama Memo!

p.s. i miss you

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!! There's nothing sweeter than filthy, happy, wet, bedraggled, grinning munchkins! I miss all of you! Gabe and Quin are s-o-o-o-o tall! How can that be in just a couple months? Love and kisses to all my little sweeties. I'm so glad you all have new friends. Nonny

Anonymous said...

I love the woods! Wish I could be there with you all-maybe sometime soon. It's been a huge blessing and great peace of mind to know you are close. Your children are the cutest kids on earth--especially when they're dirty from having fun and loving nature.

Anna Banana said...

O.k so cutest montage ever, it's true but I want more!!!

New post! new post! new post!!!!