Tuesday, November 01, 2005



I've got a whole freakin' bag of freakin' Tootsie Pops because it's the classic give away for cheap-os. All the public give-aways feature bags full of Tootsie Pops and freakin' nasty ass Dots! NO MORE POPS! NO MORE DOTS! I WANT MINI CANDY BARS!

Okay. I think. I've had. Enough candy. Today.

Ummm.....I knew it was an urban myth all along.

My life is pretty pedestrian these days, so I gotta take my thrills where I can.

I'm gonna post pictures of my new house tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and I went to IKEA for the first time today and that was pretty damn cool. Be grateful I didn't bring my camera and you aren't treated to photo after photo of gleaming rows of merchandise. Because it was lovely. And I am broke, so it seemed extra lovely. Sigh.

Perhaps I'll go sifts through the Dots and Pops for more chocolate now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HMMM... I went to the Ikea store in Chicago and was not that impressed by it. I remember it being insanly busy and crowded. I could hardly manuver my cart with out bumping into someone. However, it was during the Christmas season on a weekend and I also had an unruly 2 year old with me at the time. Bad combo I'm thinking. I might have to try it again without children in tow (when is that?) or at least during a week day! ; )

Also funny about the Tootsie Pop wrapper. I too believed you would win a free Tootsie Pop. Never tried to redeem one though.


"Cousin Wendy"