Thursday, December 28, 2006

A New Year's Treat: Cuteness (not my kids)

I am enjoying my respite from work and am actually checking my blog hits (!) and catching up on other blogs I haven't read in an age. I even updated my sidebar with the blogs I more actively lurk. You may notice a new trend: Craft Blogs!

This might sound insane, as in "When the hell does Mar have time to craft??!?" and you'd be essentially correct if you were to exclaim such a thing. But behold, look what I have made!

Christmas Bunny and Rosie Bunny, originally uploaded by ICB Mar.

I defy you to challenge the cuteness. The cuteness veritibly dripped from my fingertips as I hand made the little darlings! I am gifted! I can quit my day job and make millions, right?

For those who are interested in such things, I got the pattern from wee wonderfuls and made some slight ammendments based on influences from loobylu and a ervilha cor de rosa. If you have apropensity to enjoy such things, you might want to think twice before clicking those links because you will get SUCKED IN! And for the love of all things holy, do NOT click on the links of my links or you will be LOST FOREVER!


Anonymous said...

Way too cute!!!! and with your sewing machine that was cursed by others...I am so impressed! Great nack for putting it all together, making the changes, and getting enough time away from it all to do it!

Anonymous said...

I am thoroughly enjoying your blogs, again! Keep it up! Hope you had a great Christmas or whatever you celebrate! We had a chaotic one. BIL and SIL and their 3 offspring came for a visit from NY. Note to self: NEVER invite large families with small children to stay with you for more than 3 days. I learned this lesson the hard way. We went past the new rule about 6 days too long. Irregardless, your kids are adorable! If only your son were older, we could fix him up with my 6th grade daughter. She is quite taken with boys with longish hair. It's the punk rock gene in her. LOL! Take care!

Anna Banana said...

Damn you Mar... I clicked on the links!!!!!! I am so screwed.

hugs and kisses