Friday, May 02, 2008

A Few Conversations

These kids crack me up.

Gabe: Hey! Who is that artist? You know the one who painted that stuff in his garden?

Brian: Hmmm. I'm not sure.

Gabe: Have you heard of Monet?

Brian: Yes.

Gabe: He was one of those artist in that group, you know the...the...the...

Brian: Impressionists?

Gabe: Yeah!!! The Impressionists. That was a great band.

Brian: (playing along) Yeah, the Impressionists were a great band. Of artists. Who painted.

Gabe: (irritated) I know! The band. Of artists. That's a band!

Brian: Okay. If you say so. It's too bad they broke up.


Ribh has been quite rambunctious as well. She has this thing where she is very demanding (she's 3, duh!) and she'll constantly want stuff and then I'll prompt her with "What is the Magic Word" so she'll remember to say please. And she'll be stumped. Like she's on a Pee-Wees playhouse and no one has given her the magic word today, so like, how is she to know?

Ribh Wallis: I want something to drink. I'm soo thirsty. Get me something to drink, Mama!

Me: Ribh, what is the Magic Word?

Ribh Wallis: Hmmm...Is it juice?

Me: Nope. Try again.

Ribh Wallis: Ice cream?

Me: No. (emphasizing) The Magic Word.

Ribh Wallis: Cereal?

Me: Ribh! The Magic Word is PLEASE.

Ribh Wallis: Drink, please.

Ten minutes later...

Ribh Wallis: Hey Mom! I'm hungry! I want popcorn!

Me: Okay. What's the Magic Word?

Ribh Wallis: I don't know. Yellow?

Me: Seriously. You don't know the Magic Word?

Ribh Wallis: Is it puppy?

Me: "Please"! The Magic Word is "Please"!!!! It is not a variable! It is a constant! The Magic Word is ALWAYS "please". Got it?

Ribh Wallis: Okay! Popcorn, "please".

Fifteen minutes later...

Ribh Wallis: Hey! I want to go outside. Mom! Come push me on the swing!

Me: (hopeful) What's the Magic Word?

Ribh Wallis: "Purple?"

Me: Arrggghh. (And now I have officially turned into Jon from the cartoon, Garfield)

And Quin recently informed me that when she grows up she will live next door to me and she will walk to my house every night so that I can make her dinner. I asked if she and Gabe would take care of me someday when I am old and need help and Gabe said he'd be willing to help but would probably be in China becoming a Samurai, ( a Samurai Chiropractor, in fact) so, I'd have to travel. Quin said I could visit her next door whenever I wanted to, but I'd have to bring my own food.

So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.


The Incomparable Ron said...

The Magic Word..

So if she can't remember please, does she know the meaning of variable and constant?

Also, I would like to let you know that the image of Brian hurtling through treetops and deftly leaping from roof to roof in full ninja regalia totally made my day.

jonddc said...

Kids are the shit.

Anna Banana said...

Hey Mar!
I've been re-reading a bunchof your old posts and missing all of you. So glad we will be seeing you guys soon!!!