Monday, September 12, 2005

Dear Hubby

Dear Hubby,

I am so glad that our ten weeks of separation are almost over. I am inexpressibly excited to get to Georgia and spend each day together as a family again. But even more importantly, I am excited to reconnect with you.

For all the talking (and talking and talking) I do, sometimes I really don't express myself very well. When I drove you to the airport yesterday and I sort of picked a fight with you, I said all the wrong things. I'm sorry. Let me try again.

What I really want you to know is not that I want some kind of hero's welcome or special treatment to repay all that we have been through in the past few months. It is not about who did what or who slept more or all the stupid details of the summer past. These are not the things that matter when it comes to how I feel about you.

I really just want to sleep beside you every night again. I want to tell you about my day and my thoughts and feelings without using my blog (sorry Internet). I want to share the intimacy of the joys and turmoil of raising our children, and also all the little quirks that make us, as a couple, tick. I want to laugh at your silly little quips and uncanny ability to always come up with the perfect movie quote that will crack me up and diffuse almost any situation. I want to hassle you over who scooped the ice cream, who changed the last diaper, and who fed the dog (not me). I want to make up silly song lyrics to make you laugh and sit on the swings with you while we watch our children play on the playground.

And most of all, I want to look you in the eyes and know there is a deep connection there. I want to know that you still know me better than any other person in the world and that you still think that I am the only woman for you always and forever.

And I want you to know that I have missed you each and every day because I feel so lost without your strong arms to hug me when I am freaking out or just have had a long day with the kids. I want you to know that thinking about how I feel about you still brings tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat, even after 12 years and even after the past ten weeks of hell. Because you are my one and only, for always and forever.




Anonymous said...

dear wif,

these past 2 months have been something eh? you were right, if there was ever a time in our lives when the universe was seriously challenging us, it's this time. i thot we did pretty well, though. i know i could've been more supportive and more expressive in my undying gratitude for what you did.

the importance of my job seriously pales in comparison to what you've had to endure. i want the world (at least the lurkers to realize that my wife is the single most beautiful woman in the world, with the most passion, resolve, temerity, integrity, work ethic, power, than anyone i know. i'm stunned by how you do it, and as i reflect on what you've done, i'm just blown away by it. my love and respect and adoration for you grows infinitely every day.

i've got no movie quotes here, just the most powerfull statement in the universe: I LOVE YOU.

cynthia and i often talk about how lucky i was to find a woman like you and how truly amazing it was that we could get together and give life to these 3 children (i have no adjectives to describe my children and your role in parenting them...words escape that, let the tears rolling down my face allude to how i feel about that).

i am blessed, we do have that special something, i could never ever imagine living without you. and though it may sound cliche' it comes from my heart that you are everything to me, my soulmate, my love for eternity....

i love you so much and i thank you so much for sharing a life with me and giving me all that is you...


Mar said...

Now you're making me cry again. *Sniffle* Yer the cutest, best, you know the rest, etc... More crying.

I've got packing to do!

Run Away! Run Away!

Anonymous said...

I totally feel like I am intruding here-

I was bawling at "Dear Hubby" now the reply, OMG. I can barely see. ~sob~ Listen, if you guys want to adopt a chubby adorable 40 year old, I could totally be your girl. I wold love to be surrounded by all that love- nit picking fights in the car and all.

Mar said...


You're not intruding. I want to share my love with the world!!!! I feel like I'm on TV or something.

Also, I'd love to adopt you! And you know the *chubby* is fast becoming a thing of the past with all that triathalon training you are doing.

Anonymous said...

For Christ's sake, you two - get a room. And invite your newly adopted adult daughter while you're at it.

I love you guys, too.